Jennifer Smith, Professional Photographer

Pure, genuine still life photos as well as food photography all done by yours truly!

Aug 26, 2010

Fruit with Homemade Whipped Cream

This is a simple dish that can be made for either dessert or breakfast. The cream is homemade and is light and fluffy and the fruit is fresh and sweet. Here's how I make it:

1 pint Double Cream
1/4cup powdered sugar

Beat cream and sugar together until stiff peaks form. Sprinkle fruit with about 1 T. powdered sugar and top with the whipped cream.

This can be made with any fruit you like, it wouldn't have to be strawberries and blueberries. Those just happen to be my favorite!
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  1. I am so looking forward to seeing your recipes :) Cute blog!

  2. Thank you, Kristian! I'm really hoping to add recipes and photos regularly but we'll see how long that lasts =)
